- The range of information on chemicals in products (information on ingredients) to be communicated by chemSHERPA-CI and chemSHERPA-AI is limited. This means that information should be communicated only if a chemical substance which is a declarable substance of chemSHERPA is contained in a concentration that exceeds that set by the communication criteria of the information on ingredients. We consider that if any chemical substance subject to control on the basis of any hazardous property is contained in a level exceeding the standard one, such information should be communicated in supply chains in order to manage chemicals in products and risks of chemical substances. On the other hand, information on chemical substances other than declarable substances, or on substances whose concentration is below the communication criteria of the information on ingredients does not have to be communicated, and the CBI for such substances is taken into consideration. The management criteria for setting declarable substances and communication criteria of the information on ingredients are stipulated in Rules on the use of information on CiP under the chemSHERPA.