TOPご予約について/About Reservationsキャンセル料金は発生しますか?/Are there cancellation fees?
最終更新日 : 2023/07/14

キャンセル料金は発生しますか?/Are there cancellation fees?

また、事前予約の「狩王3種(飛竜、獣竜、海竜)肉盛りプレート」「アイルーケーキ」「オトモと一緒にHappy Birthday♪」に関しまして、予約締め切り日以降~当日ご来店までに”ご連絡なく”来店がなかった場合は、別途ご予約者様に確認のご連絡をさせていただく可能性がございます。

We do not charge cancellation fees. However, we ask that you refrain from making reservations on the assumption that you will be able to cancel, as other customers will not be able to make reservations.
In addition, if you do not come to the restaurant "without notice" after the reservation deadline and before your arrival on the day of the event, we will contact the person who made the reservation separately to confirm the reservation, If you do not come to the restaurant from the reservation deadline until the day of your visit, we may contact the person who made the reservation separately for confirmation.