TOP見学について Visit研修生がどの工程をやっている様子が見学できますか?  Can I see what process the trainees are doing?
最終更新日 : 2024/07/07

研修生がどの工程をやっている様子が見学できますか?  Can I see what process the trainees are doing?


土練り・ろくろ・削り・やすりがけ・絵付け(染付)・施釉・仕上げ・展示会用に作品を並べて配置決め・作品リスト作り etc.


They don't necessarily sometuke every time.
There are currently 3 trainees, and depending on the day of the week, 1 to 3 of them are making pottery (some days there is no one because they are out shopping or attending external events).
Each person works on each process at their own pace, and we may not necessarily be doing the process the customer wants to see on that day.

Clay kneading, potter's wheel, shaving, sanding, painting (sometsuke), glazing, finishing, arranging works for exhibitions, making a list of works, etc.

Please look forward to seeing what process you can see today.