TOPData entry support toolT-23: How to update data for old versions (Release date: 20240130)
最終更新日 : 2024/01/30

T-23: How to update data for old versions (Release date: 20240130)

The following describes how to update data for older versions.
``The procedure is different depending on whether the old version data is in V1 format or V2 format.

  1. [For V2 format]
    1-1 Load the old version data with the latest version of the tool.
    ■When updating data on the Composition screen (target: chemSHERPA-AI/CI)
    1-2 Click the "Release Finalize" button. It will be updated at the same time.
    1-3 Declarable substances have been updated and added or deleted from the old version, so check whether there are any new declarable substances that should be added or deleted from the product, and if there are any, newly declarable substances should be added or deleted.
    1-4 Click "Error Check" → "Finalize" button to complete.
    ■When updating data on the compliance screen (target: chemSHERPA-AI)
    1-2 Click the "Release Finalize" button. It will be updated at the same time.
    1-3 Click "Error Check". Judgment items that were added from the old version to the latest version will be judged as unjudged and will result in an error, so judgment is required.
    There are two methods for determining undetermined cells:
    1-4-1 If there is no Composition information, or there is Composition information but there are no changes due to updates:
    Check the undetermined cells and determine Y/N. If you are asked to select a usage code, select the appropriate code.
    Click "Error Check" → "Finalize" button to complete.
    1-4-2 If there is Composition information:
    Click “Convert from Composition”
       The compliance information will be judged again. If you are asked to select a usage code, select the Usage code.
    Click "Error Check" → "Finalize" button to complete.

  2. [For V1 format]
    From data entry support tool Ver.2.05, data cannot be output in V1 format.
    In order to make effective use of data assets in V1 format, data entry in V1 format with Ver.2.05 will be possible until August 2024. If you wish to update data in V1 format by this deadline, please take the following actions.
    After reading the old V1 format data with tool Ver. 2.05, execute the steps in 1 to output the data in Ver. 2.05. To further update to the latest version of the tool, load it with the latest version of the tool and perform step 1 again.
