- Currently, the tool is not compatible with other schemes such as IPC-1752A, BOMcheck and IMDS.
- IPC-1752A is a standard in the field of electronic devices in the U.S., and one of its aims is the standardization of information on chemical substances in products. chemSHERPA adopts the international standard IEC62474, the aim of which is also to standardize information on chemicals in products.
- BOMcheck is a system for managing information on chemicals in products, and it is operated by a British company. We explained the information communication scheme of chemSHERPA and discussed the possibility of cooperation with the owners of BOMcheck.
- While chemSHERPA is not compatible with IMDS used in the field of automobiles, chemSHERPA adopts GADSL, a substance list of the industrial standard of automobiles, as one of its management criteria.